


6 seeds

( Mizoram x Mizoram )

Mizoram is a rare cultivar from northern India, boarding Manipur. The lush rugged landscape is semi tropical and mountainous. It offers the perfect environment for growing some of the best cannabis in the world. These genetics are nothing short of amazing. Great vigor and beautiful structure make this landrace a powerhouse of flower production. The massive colas produce a very bountiful yield of sweet smelling buds. The aroma is strong and is complimented with oregano and citrus undertones.

Mizoram can grow tall given the right conditions and will usually grow with a main central cola and thick side branches, This variety is quite impressive for a landrace and would also be a great tool for breeding. It does not require much feeding but needs plenty of water. It is very hardy and resistant to pests, would do very well indoors or out.

Mizoram was collected by a friend who lives near there. This variety is a very long flowering tropical sativa type but it is not as difficult to grow as some. It is best grown outdoors but can be grown indoors with proper training and 14 hours of dark after a month of veg. As with most landrace varieties, there is a possibility of intersex traits that can express themselves with even the slightest amount of stress. Best grown in an environment similar to their native origin.

We are committed to the preservation of landrace genetics and keeping them diverse through open pollination.

Source ~ Private Collector

Flowering Time ~ 14 – 16 weeks

Harvested ~ 8 / 24

Genetics ~ F2 Inbred Line

Regular Photoperiod

Open Pollinated

