Greek Oregano



90 seeds

( Greek Oregano )

Greek Oregano is an herb in the mint family. It is very aromic and has been used for thousands of years for culinary and medicinal purposes. Traditionally grown in the Mediterranean area, it thrives in most conditions and is very hardy. It can be grown as a perennial in some areas or as a self seeding annual in harsher climates.

The oil is highly potent and has antioxidant and antimicrobial affects. Other benefits of oregano are that it is an anti-inflammatory and can help fight cancer and diabetes. The list of benefits goes on and on. It is definitely one of the powerhouse herbs.

It is good to incorporate oregano into any part of your diet. Any and every part of the plant can used.

Source ~ Strictly Medicinal Seeds

Flowering Time ~ Midsummer to Fall

Harvested ~ 9/21

Genetics ~ Oreganum Vulgare

Family ~ Mint (Lamiaceae)

Hardiness Zone ~ 4 – 8

Open Pollinated





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