Green Earth Super Soil
Having a soil that will grow with and nurture your plants for you, is the way that nature intended. Plants and organisims, such as bacteria and fungus, form a symbiotic relationship with mutual benefits. Living soil requires only water and the addition of amendments once every month or two.

The final mix should be at field capacity moisture level. Allow the mixture to cook for at least one month after mixing. This is to allow the microbes to adjust to their new enviroment and balance the mixture. A 16 gallon tote with a lid works well to let the mixture cook. Holes in the bottom like a worm bin are beneficial for air flow. Keep the container out of direct sunlight and at a temperature of 50° to 70°. After the soil has cooked for at least a month, it is fine to add worms to the soil.
Makes 2 cu ft.
Green Earth Super Soil Mix:
2 cups Green Earth Bloom Amendment Mix
1 gal. Biochar
1 gal. Grass Clippings
1 gal. Pine Bark Mulch
2 gal. Clay Top Soil
2 gal. Pumice
2 gal. Rice Hulls
2 gal. Sand
3 gal. Peat Moss
4 gal. Vermicast
Green Earth Bloom Amendment Mix:
1 cup Azomite
1 cup DTE Langbeinite
1 cup Oyster Shell Flour
1 cup Alfalfa Meal
2 cups Crushed Basalt
2 cups Epsom Salt
4 cups Kelp Meal
4 cups Fish Bone Meal
Top Dress In Container:
2 Tbsp for each gallon of soil
Top Dress In Ground:
1/2 cup for each 1 inch of stem thickness, spread out to drip line.
Mix into top 2 inches of soil in early spring and again every 2 or 3 months up to and including fall.
Green Earth Vegitative Amendment Mix:
Top Dress In Container:
1 tsp Nutri-Rich Granules
1 Tbsp Green Earth Bloom Amendment Mix
For each gallon of soil
Top Dress In Ground:
2 Tbsp Nutri-Rich Granules
1/4 cup Green Earth Bloom Amendment Mix
For each 1 inch of stem thickness out to drip line.
Mix into top 2 inches of soil in early spring and again every 2 or 3 months up to and including fall.
Green Earth Seed & Clone Soil Mix:
1 cup Green Earth Bloom Amendment Mix
1 gal. Biochar
1 gal. Clay Top Soil
2 gal. Rice Hulls
3 gal. Pumice
3 gal. Sand
3 gal. Vermicast
5 gal. Peat Moss